
Nashville DEBM Election Final Days

The TWU Local 556 Nashville (BNA) Domicile Executive Board Member Election is soon coming to a close. Our vendor, Election-America, mailed your secret paper ballot to your home address. We want everyone’s ballot to be counted. In order to do so you must return your prepaid ballot via the United States Postal Service (USPS)

Nashville Domicile Executive Board Member Voting Instructions

The TWU Local 556 Nashville (BNA) Domicile Executive Board Member Election is in full swing. Our vendor, Election-America, mailed your secret paper ballots to your home address. We want everyone’s ballot to be counted, in order to do that you must return your prepaid ballot via USPS. If you haven’t done so already, please get those sent in so they are eligible to be counted at the designated location on August 20, 2024 at 1200 Central Time. As a reminder, no ballots may be delivered or dropped off at the Local Union office. Election-America does not accept payments to overnight a ballot to you.

Latest Implementation News

30 Second Review:

*Implementation Schedule Update
*Important FYI: Credit Card Announcement
*Holiday Pay: Labor Day (September 2) Bidding Reminder
*401(k) Elections Reminder: August 5, 2024 Deadline

Scheduling Committee Update August 2024

Each month, your Scheduling Committee convenes in Dallas and spends two days reviewing and building the Primary and Secondary bid lines for the following month. This month, some updates to our scheduling software have made our lines look somewhat different than in the past. This will not affect the vast majority of our bid lines, but we wanted to point out some changes from Article 28 that have been implemented.

LAS E-Connection July 2024

I hope your summer is going well, and you are able to enjoy some time away from the chaos that summer flying can cause. This month, I have a few reminders for you that can be easily forgotten during this hectic time.