
Fast Fact Friday #3

Have you ever been on your way to the airport to check-in for a trip… and run into terrible traffic? Or an accident? Or gotten a flat tire? Sometimes life happens and we need to call Crew Scheduling to say that we Might Be Late (MBL). Let’s review our Article 32 protections surrounding MBLs to be prepared for if/when a curve ball inevitably gets thrown your way.

Let’s take a look at this week’s Education Committee Fast Fact Friday – Might Be Late (MBL) and Bonus MBL.

Agreement In Principle Reached

n Agreement in Principle has been reached between the TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee and the Company.

In multiple negotiation sessions throughout the week of May 30, the Negotiating Committee met and bargained with Southwest Airlines Labor Relations and Southwest Airlines Management in the presence of mediators from the National Mediation Board.