
Deceived, Devalued, Disrespected

Members of TWU Local 556 have had enough, and have shown it through action: Your resounding YES votes authorizing your board to strike and your strong NO vote on TA 2023 have demonstrated you need more from Southwest Airlines.

Your action is the fuel moving process forward. Your TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee comes to you today with important updates on our plan to take your anger with us as we fight to get back to the table with the ultimate mission of getting you the Contract you have earned.

Agreement In Principle Reached

n Agreement in Principle has been reached between the TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee and the Company.

In multiple negotiation sessions throughout the week of May 30, the Negotiating Committee met and bargained with Southwest Airlines Labor Relations and Southwest Airlines Management in the presence of mediators from the National Mediation Board.

Live Update from Negotiations

Live Update from Negotiations We don’t often bring you live updates from the table, but we need to inform you of some recent developments. Management is pushing to take away your ability to VJA! We have been very clear that Southwest Flight Attendants need to...