Oct 22, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee Update #33 Your Negotiating Committee took your voice to the table again in a meeting with the Company on October 21, for a follow-up discussion on the Company’s request for concessions and the threat of furloughs. The Union also...
Oct 21, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee Update #32 Your Negotiating Committee took your voice to the table in a meeting with the Company on October 20, 2020 to discuss the Company’s request for concessions and the threat of furloughs that the Company has referenced to...
Oct 19, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
A Negotiations Update: Your NT Meets Southwest Tomorrow Your TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee meets with the Company tomorrow, October 20. Your Union has heard your questions and concerns, and will be taking them to the table. Flight Attendants have risen to every...
Oct 12, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
Concessions and Furloughs – NT Webinar Rebroadcast TWU LOCAL 556 NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE Concessions and Furloughs – NT Webinar Rebroadcast Dear Member: Your Negotiating Team held a webinar on Friday, October 9, to address the topics of concessions...
Oct 7, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
Negotiating Committee Update #31 TWU LOCAL 556 NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE UPDATE #31 Concessions and Furloughs Your Only Official Source of Factual Information Dear Member: The Company postponed meetings with the Negotiating Committee that were previously...
Sep 25, 2020 | Negotiations, News, Union Business
Negotiating Committee Update #30 Your Negotiating Committee met with the Company on Tuesday, September 22. As you will recall from our previous update, the Union presented the Company with a written proposal on September 10 that outlined guidelines for return to work...