
Catching Up with You!

In this edition of Catching up with Local 556: Officer and Board Member Election, Worldwide Flight Attendant Day of Action Recaps and Photos, 2023 Bylaws, DRT Awards – Known Issue, Text Messaging, Grievance Team – By the Numbers.

Raise Your Voice Through Your Vote

Raise Your Voice Through Your Vote The TWU Local 556 2024-2027 Officer and Board Election has officially begun. Our vendor, Election America, Inc., began mailing your secret paper ballots to your home address on file with Southwest Airlines on February 14, 2024....

Negotiating Team Mediation Update

Negotiating Team Mediation Update The TWU Local 556 Negotiating Committee met with the Company on February 21 and 22 at the offices of the National Mediation Board (NMB) in Washington, D.C. under the auspices of our assigned federal mediator.A condition of the...

Ballot Reminder

Ballot Reminder The TWU Local 556 2024-2027 Officer and Election is underway. Per the Department of Labor (DOL), all Officer and Executive Board voting will be done by paper ballot. Our vendor, Election America, Inc., mailed your secret paper ballots to your home...

Pulse Point Survey

Pulse Point Survey Request New Survey As your Negotiating Team prepares to meet with the Company and our assigned Mediators, we will be conducting a short survey. These answers will provide updated information to help keep your Union apprised of the pulse of...