
Join the Worldwide Day of Action: Stand in Solidarity with AFA and APFA

We invite you to join our Union brothers, sisters, and siblings at the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) for a Worldwide Day of Action on Thursday, June 13. This action and picketing event is crucial in demanding the contracts we deserve.

Bill’s Weekly Round-Up

I apologize for the recent lack of communication; my schedule has been incredibly packed, leaving me little time to write and distribute these updates. However, I’m committed to keeping you informed in a more timely manner moving forward.

Your Executive Board will convene as a whole for the second time this week, and I’m eager to get down to the essential work of our Union. Our agenda this week includes appointing new Committee Chairpersons and Co-chairpersons.

Compliance Checks

The Union is aware of the excessive gate checks, audits, and uniform compliance checks. We want to make it clear that although the Company has the right to “manage,” we find it unacceptable that the frequency and blatant disregard for our work group is being targeted. With that being said, we encourage you to take the following measures. In addition to filling out a LINK form on your IEFB, the Union would like to gather as much data as possible. Please take some extra time to submit your experience to the Union

Nashville Domicile Executive Board Member Nominations

The TWU Local 556 Board of Elections will be taking nominations for Nashville Domicile Executive Board Member at the virtual Special Membership Meeting on June 21, 2024. The three year term for this position will run from September 1, 2024 through April 30, 2027.