Is It a Cold, the Flu, or a Sinus Infection?
As your TWU Local 556 Health Committee Chairperson, I decided in August to deliver a monthly article that I believe to be relevant and interesting information for our Members.
As your TWU Local 556 Health Committee Chairperson, I decided in August to deliver a monthly article that I believe to be relevant and interesting information for our Members.
As the clock strikes midnight on December 31, 2024, millions worldwide will be cheering, hugging, and making promises to themselves to start the new year on a positive note. Making New Year’s resolutions is a timeless and universal practice that symbolizes hope, renewal, and self-improvement. This year, let’s focus on creating a healthier, safer, and happier you!
As your TWU Local 556 Health Committee Chairperson, I have been working to use this platform to reach out to our members about health and aviation topics. Presenting such information in various formats (e.g., our Co-hearts’ personal health journeys or cited work from reputable sources) to our different audiences is vital in enhancing health-related education for our members.
I hope you had a chance to read Part One of my November series, “Movember Moments: Stories of Strength and Recovery.” What fantastic success stories about Atlanta-based Flight Attendant Michael Reid and Nashville-based Flight Attendant Sean “SayCo” Sako. As I close out “Movember,” I do so with some helpful resource links, American Cancer Society statistics, and a time-lapse video of one of our co-hearts, Sean “SayCo” Sako, doing his part in “Grow a Mo for a Bro!”