
Fast Fact Friday #16 (Shifted Reserve System Week One Review)

Week One of the new Shifted Reserve System roll-out is in the books. While many aspects were successful, there was definitely a handful of issues which arose due to either miscommunication or misunderstanding… by both our Flight Attendants and Crew Scheduling. While our Negotiating Team continues to work with SWA Inflight Scheduling Leaders to ensure our Contract language (and its intent) are being applied correctly, let’s review some of the biggest misconceptions about the new shifted system in this week’s Super-Sized Fast Fact Friday.

Fast Fact Friday, Q1 Resources, and More…

In an effort to set you up for the best start of a new year, let’s take a look at some helpful reminders and resources focusing on the start of a new year and other important hot topics.

What You’ll Find Inside
– Fast Fact Friday: Self-Assignment -vs- Self-Acknowledgement
– APSB: Self-Assignment
– Commuter Policy Reminders
– Calendar Quarters
– 2025 Automatic VJA Days
– Nashville Paid Moves Reminder
– Reschedule, Research and Analysis Committee

Fast Fact Friday #15 (Self-Assign vs Self-Acknowledge)

Do you often wonder if you need to acknowledge a change to your assignment? What if you’re on Reserve and self-assigned a pairing but now it’s gone off your screen? We have options as both Lineholders and Reserves when we are out flying and there’s a change to our assignment. While neither a Lineholder or Reserve has to self-acknowledge on an overnight or while off-duty, there are times when the reschedule/reassignment is better. In this week’s Fast Fact Friday, let’s explore the difference between Self-Assigned (Reserve) and Self-Acknowledge (ALL Flight Attendants), and how these options affect us when our work life gets confusing.

End of Year Accomplishments

Happy New Year! It’s been a very busy year for both Health and Safety, and with many improvements on the way, we are excited to share this recap of 2024. We value your participation in the Safety Management System and appreciate your support of the entire TWU Local 556 Safety and Health Teams.